Our beliefs and values


In the years to come, we will exploit the full potential of our existing subsidiaries to position them as the preferred financial partner for small businesses in our markets.

Our vision

Building a network of leading financial institutions contributing to the growth of local businesses, the creation and maintenance of jobs, and the improvement of the standard of living of customers to promote economic and social development in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

Our mission

Meet the financial service needs of small businesses and other economic agents who have inadequate, limited, or non-existent access to traditional financial services, by offering them adapted financial services sustainably and responsibly.

Advans in a few dates

1990 – Creation of Horus

Horus provides services in the field of development financing via short-term consulting missions to donors, governments, and financial institutions (banks and MFIs). An expert in microfinance and SME financing, Horus will gradually be asked to also provide longer-term technical assistance to microfinance programs and financial institutions.

2005 – Creation of Advans

In 2005, HORUS Development Finance created an investment company, Advans SA SICAR, to create microfinance institutions and invest in existing institutions sharing the same values.

2022 – Launch of Air+

Air+ is Advans’ digital transformation program aimed at replacing current IT systems and solutions while adopting harmonized and standardized processes. The objective is to transform the way our subsidiaries work by providing employees with digital and collaborative tools in their daily work and their customer relations to obtain better management of activities and improved productivity through a model central standardized across the Advans group.

Board of Directors

The Advans Board of Directors is composed of experts with solid experience in the financial services sector and is responsible for the governance of Advans SA by its statutes and Luxembourg law. Advans SA has also created committees to support the board of directors: the Audit and Risks Committee, and the Human Resources and Governance Committee. A Social Performance manager has also been appointed to the Council.

Executive Committee

Advans Group support services are based at Advans International in Paris. Strong business lines and group departments have been created to guide and support the development of the subsidiaries. Advans International supports, supervises, and sets standards for the group by providing subsidiaries with advice, resources, and expertise.

Legal structure and strategy

Advans SA is an investment company registered in Luxembourg, created in 2005, and supervised by the CSSF. Advans SA invests in the creation of new microfinance institutions, alongside co-shareholders sharing the same missions, as a majority shareholder, or intervenes, as a main shareholder, in existing MFIs that share the same objectives. Investing for the long term, Advans SA not only provides capital to its subsidiaries but also offers them financial resources such as loans and guarantees to enable them to meet their financial needs. As the main shareholder, Advans SA actively participates in the governance of its financial institutions.

Reference stakeholders


Advans SA’s shareholding combines the technical expertise of Advans International with the financial strength of six development institutions. These organizations have been, for many years, essential to the development of the microfinance sector.